Who takes care of your needs?

Its the festive season and many of you out there are likely buying presents for others, sending Christmas cards to others, catering for others, making sure you work is all complete before the end of the year and if you have children there is 2 weeks of school holidays to...

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Bah Humbug

  I am going to admit it, I am a little bit of a bah humbug person at Christmas. I will admit that I love the twinkly lights in cities and towns and toasty warm fires, I love it when it snows so long as I can wrap up warm....

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Are you giving away your power?

How often have you been told something and you believe it? Even by a professional. For example, my English teacher said I’m no good at English, therefore it has to be true, therefore, I cant write a book, be a blogger, write a report etc. The doctor told me I...

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What are your niggles telling you?

Herre I am with my first ever blogpost on the Helen Butler site and boy was it scary even thinking about putting this out there.  Why?  Because my mind kicked in and the gremlins started with all the negative chatter about people wont like it, your talking about the moon...

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